Chamwino Primary School is the government-funded public school for children of Chamwino Ikulu. Only a few blocks from the village’s central plaza, the school houses close to a thousand children, ages 7 to 12 years, in standards 1 through 7. Visitors to the school have always enjoyed a warm welcome from the headmaster, tours of the school campus, and visits to the classrooms where 100 or more uniformed schoolchildren sit at their desks in every classroom as they read, write, or take in the lessons of their teachers. Many times, visitors are invited into classrooms to talk with the children, to tell a little bit about themselves, or to share a song. Thanks to the generous contributions of donors, a kitchen was built on the school campus so that hot lunches could be provided to children, and a set of latrines was added to serve the growing enrollment at the school. Because government funding does not provide complete coverage for books, supplies or facilities, nor can families provide them, Chamwino Primary School accepts donations through Chamwino Arts Center all year round.
The canteen-kitchen, Chamwino Primary School, built through the support of donors to Chamwino Connect
Young children learning their vowels, where supplies have arrived through partial support of Chamwino Connect donors